Being a stay-at-home mom, I was thinking of using this blog to post things I could make and possibly sell. When my boys started school, I had more time - but it's been almost a decade, and I've had to change computers more than once. On a few rare occasions when I actually sat down and tried to access the blog, I couldn't get "in" to post. I'm pretty sure I didn't have any patience and I doubt I was giving myself enough time to figure it out. So, I gave myself the time to unwind and this blog got left behind like Jessie did in Toy Story 2. . . (sorry for the sad comparison) - but, it was never truly forgotten. (BTW, quick side note - how can Andy's mom be the little girl if she cared enough to keep the hat? There was more than 1 Jessie made and I always got a "Howdy Doody"-like vibe and thought they were popular earlier than when the mom would've been a little girl. . .)
Anyway - Lindsey Weirich, the Frugal Crafter on YouTube gave me the nudge I needed to actually start blogging (the COVID19 quarantine also helped me be in the "right" headspace). After watching her talk about her opinions and questions on YouTube Craft Room Tours, I was thinking about what she said and remembered the reason I started watching them in the first place. . .for inspiration and possible "new" ideas to make my own craft area a better place for me to work.
After giving this a little thought, I thought I could start posting projects I'm working on. I'm no expert and if I can do them, anyone can. (I hesitate to call them home improvement projects - maybe I should call them Craft Corner Improvement Projects?) I'm hoping actually starting to blog will help motivate and encourage me to try more as I build confidence - just like doing my projects. I also hope that my attempts at blogging can help me pay it forward and provide a "new-to-someone" idea, or give just a little motivation to start something, or least provide a little chuckle.
When my projects get stalled for one reason or another, I can try to post the few ways I've organized things using what I've found around the house or found really cheap. My "budget" for my Craft Corner is as low as I can go. If I had to say what bottom line I strive for, I'd have to say $0. I don't think I can really do it for free, but I have been trying not to spend any money by using what I have or what I can find. I was "shopping my home" when I could, before COVID. Maybe I was that way because of the "3 R's" from school, but I'm also the type who was raised to have a nest egg, put necessities first, and then fit in any "entertainments" when you can afford them. I have limited resources, a family who's said they don't care how pretty things look, nobody to see what is or isn't in my craft space, and would rather spend my money on the actual supplies instead of making what they're stored in look perfect. (Fortunately or unfortunately, perfect doesn't fit into my world. It might one day, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm trying to push any possible OCD issues down enough to move on.)
I'm thinking of using this blog for my first reason (craft projects), and the other for the non-"craft" projects. As soon as I figure out some of the final details, I'll start posting the entries I've worked on during our quarantine.
Thanks for reading, hope I was able to express myself well and maybe somehow add a little glow into your life.
If you're a "pinner," please check me out at
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